A school-based apprenticeship allows high school students to earn a wage, continue their high school education, and train towards a nationally recognised qualification at the same time. This article provides a basic understanding of school-based apprenticeships in Queensland.
The requirements for a school-based apprenticeship include age limits, paid work and minimum hours, parental consent, and support from your high school. To learn about all eligibility and requirements of a school-based apprenticeship visit this website.
The process of enrolling in a school-based apprenticeship includes the following steps.
Step 1: Speak to your school careers advisor about an apprenticeship. They will need to register the apprenticeship with the Department of Education to qualify as part of your senior school points.
Step 2: Visit the Baking Industry Training Australia (BITA) website to learn more about the Certificate III courses we offer – Baking, Bread Baking, and Cake and Pastry.
Step 3: Gain employment at a bakery. We suggest contacting your local bakeries and handing in your resume. You can also apply for jobs at the Baking Industry Job Board.
Step 4: Visit the Australian Apprenticeships website to search for your local Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN), and make an appointment.
Step 5: During your appointment the AASN will complete your apprenticeship registration. You will need to ask them to nominate BITA as your Registered Training Organisation (RTO). Once the process is complete it will be forwarded to BITA.
Step 6: Upon receiving the paperwork BITA will contact your employer to arrange an apprenticeship induction in the workplace for you to attend.
FAQs about school-based apprenticeships
How long does it take to complete a school-based apprenticeship?
A school-based apprentice works part-time in the workplace while also attending school. This means that a part-time apprenticeship will take twice as long to complete as it usually done by a full-time apprentice. For example, a Certificate III in Baking is a three-year course when done full time, the part-time equivalent is six years.
Does BITA offer school-based apprenticeships in NSW?
Yes, you can do a school-based apprenticeship in NSW. As the process and requirements for a school-based apprenticeship in New South Wales are different we encourage you to call the BITA administration team for more information.
How many hours of work does a school-based apprentice do?
A school-based apprentice is required to work at least 7.5 hours a week, averaged out over three months for every 12 months of your apprenticeship. Further explanation can be found here.
How much does a school-based apprentice earn?
School-based apprentices are paid for the hours they work in the bakery. The wage rate is set out in the industrial award or agreement that applies to your employer’s business. You may not be entitled to payment while attending your training facility, this is set out as per the industrial award or agreement that applies to your employer’s business. More information about school-based apprenticeships can be found here.
What does the training of a school-based apprentice involve?
The training of a school-based apprentice who attends BITA will receive training in the workplace with a qualified co-worker and regular visits from their BITA Trainer. You will also be required to attend one week block classes at your RTO premises.
How much does it cost?
As part of the “Free apprenticeships for under 25s” program the Queensland government will cover the cost of your training in a school-based apprenticeship. This means you don’t pay student fees or tuition fees. However, you may need to purchase uniforms and equipment and pay for transport and accommodation to attend work or training.
If you are interested starting a school-based apprenticeship, follow the steps above and remember to nominate BITA as your preferred RTO. If you have further questions, please contact us via phone ((07) 3899 6100) or email.